Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A Tax Rant Just for Becca!

Since Becca's complaining that I am remiss in posting to my blog, I will rant for a few minutes just for her!

One of my latest real-world rants is about politicians not paying their taxes. I don't know how it came to be that congressmen who are discovered to have "made a mistake" on their taxes do not have to pay penalties and interest, along with the overdue taxes--like the REST of us! You see, I got burned when going through my divorce and my then-husband refused to file married jointly. I got his financial information all together, nagging him continually as extension after extension was filed, and then on the eve of the expiration of the last extension, he balked, saying "why should I file jointly--what's in it for me?" After an entire evening of this continual emotional abuse (he called every 15 minutes to justify himself), I finally had to file "married--filing separately" and pay $2,000 in taxes. A month or so later, along came the interest and penalty bill totalling well over $1,000! Again, we see that Leslie Q. Citizen is held to the rigid rules, while the privileged are exempt! This double standard infuriates me.

Here's the addendum--as part of the divorce agreement it was agreed that we would refile that tax return. But I bet you didn't know this! Even if you refile a tax return and come up owing no taxes, you do NOT get a refund of the interest and penalties that were already paid. So the government just gets to keep that money.

Now, my overdue tax bill was $2,000 for less than a year. These congressman who owe taxes owe in the six figures for YEARS (plural). And NO INTEREST OR PENALTIES for them!

The IRS better be on the ball and mailing them notices of interest and penalties due even as I type!

How do you like them apples, Becca?!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That sucks. However, there is one case that Leslie Q. Citizen would be better off than Big-Wig Politician: if you underpaid on your taxes and then managed to squeak by unnoticed for the 3 year statute of limitations, you wouldn't have to pay anything, whereas they would (albeit without interest or penalties).